Health Clerk Office » Medication Drop Off - Information and Forms

Medication Drop Off - Information and Forms


Please make sure that all medical forms are COMPLETE with SIGNATURE of the physician AND a parent/guardian before turning in. All forms can be found at the bottom of this page.

If a student requires an inhaler at school, either stored in the health office or self-carried, a Colorado Asthma Care Plan must be on file in the health office.
A student in need of an epi-pen and/or allergy medication due to severe allergies must have a Colorado Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan on file. A Medication Administration Permission form is not required if medication is listed on the Asthma Care Plan or Allergy Plan.
Parents of students requiring emergency medication (EPIPEN and/or inhaler) who decide not to have medication stored in the health office must have a Refusal to Provide Medication Form on file in the health office.

Prescription and over the counter medication must have a complete Medication Administration Permission Form with it before it can be stored in the health office or taken on school outings. Dosages must be written clearly on the form and match the dosage on the prescription bottle. For over the counter medication, please have the physician write an exact dosage on the Medication Administration Permission Form.

All prescription medication must be in its original packaging, prescribed to the student, with the prescription label visible. Over the counter (OTC) medication should have the student's first and last name clearly written on the original packaging with a sharpie. Please check the expiration dates on the medication before bringing them in. We can't accept or administer expired medication.
Due to limited storage space, the health office can only store small bottles of ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Parents are more than welcome to come themselves to administer medication while their children are in school if needed.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Health Clerk by phone (303) 651-7900 ext. 211 or email.