Michelle Pearce » Classroom News

Classroom News

Welcome to our class page!

This is where you will find important announcements and information pertaining to our 4th grade classroom. I'm so excited to be able to share the year with your dragons!
**PLEASE NOTE: This page will not cover all of the school news, so please DO read the emails and announcements that also come into your email inbox!
Please make sure to email me with any questions you may have during the school year. You can reach me at: [email protected]
We have a class pet this year! Professor Potato will be joining our class this year, and we will work to learn about guinea pigs, their natural habitats, what they eat, and how they express themselves. 
Professor is 6 years old, and most guinea pigs are lucky to live until 8. This means we must be cautious and careful with our pet and treat him well. He won't be with us every day, but when he is, the students will learn how to be responsible for him and help with feeding and cleaning up after him.